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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 2605
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Re: LDA2006 Progress Report
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation,
Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:17:07 GMT
16024 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Tore Eriksson wrote:
I've changed priorities once again. The need of what I call standalone scripts
have turned my todo-list upside-down. And the Tween command has made all the
difference! After working all night, I finally made it work. That is, the first
of the three kinds of standalone scripts I've planned for. But hopefully the
most complicated. The other two will just use commands that LDA already
supports. All I have to do is let the program jump into a new script and when
it's done, find its way back to the next line of the main script.

The idea is that the main script, here:"MyAn.txt", will call on another script
here:"mfWalk01.txt", every time the compiler shoots a frame. And after several
hours I have it to behave the way I've planned. • --SNIP--
The compiler replaces "Self" with the object name from the call, in this case
"Minifig01". Normally, XRot would be a variable, but in this case (XRot, YRot,
or ZRot) it is a command. And the rotation angle is tweened to a value depending
on where in the table the Progress value fits. This means that we are not forced
to follow a mathematic formula or have to get ourselves into hopelessly
complicated if-statements! And the animated objects have individual Progress
"clocks" that can be started and stopped independent of eachother at different
times (=frames). The format is not bound to minifigs either. At least it suits
my way of thinking much better than POV programming. A much more obvious
time-line. (I wish it was possible to make the syntax more LDraw-like, but five
years of thinking and re-thinking has proved it impossible.)

And the best thing of all: it works!

This is so exciting! It won't be long until CGI based Brickfilms are very easy
to create - at least for those who know how use LDraw! I think it's almost a


This all sounds very cool Tore. I may have to give it a go sometime. One
suggestion to you is to allow for different tweening systems. Sometimes you may
want something other than a linear tweening and it would be nice to be able to
do so.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDA2006 Progress Report
(...) Thanks for the input, Tim. I agree. Exponential functions for acceleration or fall would be nice to have. Sinus and Cosinus functions will make smoother walks. The best would probably be support for splines or maps, but that's way beyond my (...) (19 years ago, 25-Feb-06, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation,

Message is in Reply To:
  LDA2006 Progress Report
I've changed priorities once again. The need of what I call standalone scripts have turned my todo-list upside-down. And the Tween command has made all the difference! After working all night, I finally made it work. That is, the first of the three (...) (19 years ago, 24-Feb-06, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation,

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