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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1772
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Re: Help with MegaPOV settings
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:30:25 GMT
996 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Tim Courtney writes:
Hey everyone -
I'm having a slight problem with MegaPOV. I've gotten my settings down to
where I want them, but one of my models encounters this slight problem. This
step isn't perfect - I need to make the arrow white so it shows up more, and
need to step up the seam width (forgot to) so it finds the edges better.
I've got that part in the bag, but my problem is this. Note the 2 2x4 slopes
along the right side of the superstructure. They shade in dark grayish:

I think this has to do with Angle Difference. I've tweaked the setting to no
avail. Does anyone have advice on how to get it not to shade that? I think
it the parts happen to be at just the right angle to catch the find edges,
and it shades the whole surface.

Any help would be appreciated! I'm trying to get this problem solved soon so
I can output the final instructions. :-)

My suggestion is to use Lars' new outlining feature in L3P (which hasn't
been released yet.)  He told me that the new L3P would be out in spring, and
it's spring :^P (note this smiley is panting waiting for the new L3P, not
sticking its tongue out.)

Sorry I can't be much more help.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Help with MegaPOV settings
(...) LOL :-) I can't wait to be able to use the feature... (...) No problem. -Tim (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Help with MegaPOV settings
Hey everyone - I'm having a slight problem with MegaPOV. I've gotten my settings down to where I want them, but one of my models encounters this slight problem. This step isn't perfect - I need to make the arrow white so it shows up more, and need (...) (22 years ago, 28-Mar-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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