Re: Free-Form Camera Positioning with MLCAD, L3P, and POV-RAY
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad.mlcad
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 02:25:00 GMT
429 times
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Brad Hamilton wrote:
> Background
> MLCAD describes 3D points using three different coordinates: (x,y,z). If
> you are looking at the front of a model, the X axis defines how far a point
> is to the left or right. The Y access defines how high a point is (i.e.
> up/down). The Z access defines how far the point is away from the viewer
> (i.e. in and out). L3P converts these coordinates into a somewhat different
> system used by POV-RAY. The nice thing is that the reader need not
> understand the POV-RAY system to position the camera.
No, L3P uses the LDraw coordinate system.
This was an important design goal.
L2P (LGEO) uses its own coordinate system.
Otherwise a good description.
You might also want to tell about the QUAL and STUDS variables in the POV file,
used for making quick pre-renderings.
I'll reconsider location.dat (camera.dat) and look_at.dat,
please see
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