In lugnet.cad.dev.org.ldraw, Jacob Sparre Andersen writes:
> Michael Lachmann wrote:
> > At this time I come up with a new license - where I hope
> > everyone can live with ...
> If your new license for puts any restrictions whatsoever on
> the right to use or implement your extensions, you can just
> as well save your own time and leave it as it is.
> Play well,
> Jacob (who might decide to act like the BOFH he really is)
Yes, what's needed here is NO license, not a NEW license.
Michael if you're using MLCAD to bring visitors to your site in order
to drum up business for your software company, that's fine. Just ask
politely and we'll provide the links for people to follow. I think the
saying goes "you'll attract more flies with honey than vinegar", or
something like that.
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