Re: Problems exporting from LeoCAD to LDraw .dat format
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 08:35:06 GMT
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In lugnet.cad, Allan Bedford wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help.
> I've recently started working in LeoCAD. After trying MLCAD, I just find I like
> LeoCAD better. Just my preference, nothing wrong with MLCAD. :)
You are not alone, I prefer LeoCad too...
> However, in trying to export models/instructions to the LDraw .dat format (which
> LeoCAD appears to support) something odd seems to be happening. It's been
> brought to my attention that the .dat files that LeoCAD is producing have
> extraneous numbers within them.
> For example... LeoCAD is exporting lines like this:
> 1 7 20.00 0.00 270.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3031.DAT
> But I'm told that the line should really look more like this:
> 1 7 20 0 270 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3031.DAT
> In other words, without all the .00 values after the numbers. This seems to
> sometimes cause problems when trying to run the LeoCAD version of the file
> through LPub.
They should not cause problems. These numbers are indeed floating point values
(space coordinates and transformation matrix) and while the .00 is not useful in
your case it shouldn't be harmful either... (I use LeoCad for Technic modelling
where various part orientation implies non-integer values - see for example, generated from a mix of
LeoCAD images and Lpub ones).
Actually the only problem with LeoCad Ldraw export is that it is limited to 2
decimal digits. I had some precision problems (slightly moved parts) because of
Maybe your problem can be caused by decimal separator problem. If it is
different from the "." used by LeoCad, then Lpub might not understand floating
point values.
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