Re: Conversion file for LDraw to LDD Update 4.40 with 1,770+ working parts
Mon, 6 Jan 2014 16:31:46 GMT
39345 times
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Posted an update to the LDraw.xml last week to my site, was hoping to do some
more but di not have time.
So here is 4.40 (Working 1,770+ , need work 213+) You can find it here
Still looking for help, so if you have some free time please let me know. Have
over 212 mapped parts that need to be adjusted. And Im sure there are other LDR
parts that are not mapped to the correct LEGO part number.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Conversion file for ldraw to ldd
| Hi all, I've converted the old conversion file from LDD 1.6 (with Jason Railton's adaptions) to LDD 2.0 format. It is far from perfect but is also far better than what is currently available. To install it just quit LDD 2, go to (...) (18 years ago, 22-Mar-07, to lugnet.cad.ldd)
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