Re: Color page updated
Fri, 4 Dec 2009 22:41:55 GMT
18640 times
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In, Tore Eriksson wrote:
> * Color 256-512 are *NOT*, I repeat *NOT* "MLCad colors". They are true LDraw
> colors, as opposed to color 48-255. As any LDraw compatible L-Cad tool, also
> MLCad accepts and fully supports color 256-512.
Just to be clear: all colors from 0 to 511 (except 16 and 24) are true LDraw
colors. For color codes less than 256, LDraw would use the lowest 4 bits to
determine the color value. The sixth bit would determine transparency. The
other bits were basically ignored.
(who is happy that LDRAW.EXE still runs on Windows XP)
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: Color page updated
| (...) Do you mean that original LDraw accepts color 48, 65, 133 without error message? I didn't know that. Pity L3Lab (and L3P v1.3 which I no longer use)don't act that way. If so, I guess I stand corrected. And blushing. But yet, with a little (...) (15 years ago, 4-Dec-09, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Color page updated
| (...) I for one would have been very happy with that approach. That's exactly what I have tried to tell over and over and over again. Could those of you who have their intellectual write protection on, pretty pretty please unlock it for just a few (...) (15 years ago, 4-Dec-09, to
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