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Re: Ghost bug in 3.11
Wed, 3 Nov 2004 18:29:39 GMT
1609 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Don Heyse wrote:
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
In lugnet.cad.mlcad, Lee Gaiteri wrote:
I discovered when rendering with ldglite that it doesn't ignore
commands like 0 CLEAR and 0 STEP in submodels even when MLCad
does. (Odd, considering it does recognize submodels.) Hopefully the
next version of LPub will eliminate that problem by creating
special .dat files for each step, but just to be safe for now I
figured I'd ghost out the step and clear commands, and the buffer
exchanges too. ldglite renders just fine with those ghosted.

Did you use 1.1.5 and the -mf or -mF options?  I know these options
make ldglite ignore STEP.

I'm a bit lost here.  Are you talking about using ldglite to render
image files, or render interactively?  I ask because -mf and -mF
ignore all STEP commands, but only for the non-interactive image file
generating usage.  There is a -D command (that was added to a later
version of ldlite) to set the subfile level at which to ignore STEP
commands.  See Version 2.3 Release Notes here.

I use -mF so I don't go spastic with the render window poping up and down each
time I invoke ldglite and it finishes.  This non-interactive render ignores all
steps.  I'm sure LPub has handled and removed all the CLEAR statements in the
process of creating a step DAT.  In this scenario, I see no need to use the -D.

I suppose it could make sense to use the -D command to also control
the subfile level at which to ignore CLEAR, and perhaps other
instruction formatting macros like ROTSTEP and such.  I'm a bit fuzzy
on how well I incorporated the -D code from ldlite into ldglite,
especially with the L3 parser.  I suppose I should test it with both
parsers and see how well it extends to the other meta commands.  I
don't think there's much actual code involved.

Don't bother doing it for me.

The step dats that LPub makes do have STEP and ROTSTEP, but
eliminate buffer exchage and clear and such, before passing the step
dat to ldglite.

Well it turns out, you can ghost meta instructions just fine in
MLCad, but it never saves them as ghosted. The only way to ghost
them properly is to manually edit the .mpd file in a text
editor. MLCad recognizes on load that they're supposed to be
ghosted, but once you make any changes they go back to normal. So
MLCad is saving ghosted meta commands as unghosted.

I don't think you want to GHOST out those commands.  This is not
what GHOST is supposed to be used for.  In MLCAD you might want to
preceed these commands with WRITE (which MLCAD uses to mean
comment), also // would also work.

I'd just as soon not worry about it and have ldglite ignore those
commands, but no way am I delving into the source just for that.

Why is everyone so afraid of the source code?

I'm not afraid.  I just have my hands full with LPub.  LSynth is next.

As Don has indicated, he is already looking at this code.

Uh, yeah, I'm looking but I'm still having trouble figuring out how
it all fits together.


Err, I set FUT to because I don't think my comments
really all that MLCad specific.

Good call.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ghost bug in 3.11
(...) I cool with that. It's a whole lot easier for me to make ldglite behave well as a unseen simple renderer, and let LPub handle all the tricky instruction formating macros. The only reason I can see for me to add internal ldglite support for all (...) (20 years ago, 3-Nov-04, to

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