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Re: Converting Polyline to Mesh
Tue, 21 Sep 2004 13:11:31 GMT
1865 times
In, Steve Bliss wrote:
In, Don Heyse wrote:
I coulda sworn I mentioned this here before.

Uh. Wow. Yeah, that should do what I need.  If it can fill in Lake
Superior, it should handle my little de-rasterized figure.  I suspect
that using Triangle on my little polygon-filling exercise will be like
using a firehose to water a flower garden.

The funny thing is, I don't mind so much the idea of generating the
input files for Triangle, and then reading back the output files.
No, I'm thinking more that I don't want to hassle with getting gcc
installed running on my system (yeah, I know - it's easy.  I just
don' wanna).

Well, just in case you change your mind on gcc, it really is easy.

Anyway, thanks for the link.  Once I have results, I post them somewhere.

Speaking of links and firehoses, here's a short list of alternative
triangle mesh generators.

The parent site also has pointers to quad mesh generators.

If you're really lazy you can check the list for a free windows exe
that supports LDRAW syntax.  ;^)



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Converting Polyline to Mesh
(...) You have a twisted sense of 'lazy'. ;) Or is there something obvious I'm missing? Steve (20 years ago, 21-Sep-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Converting Polyline to Mesh
(...) Uh. Wow. Yeah, that should do what I need. If it can fill in Lake Superior, it should handle my little de-rasterized figure. I suspect that using Triangle on my little polygon-filling exercise will be like using a firehose to water a flower (...) (20 years ago, 21-Sep-04, to

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