In lugnet.cad.dev, Robert Seifert wrote:
> Hallo back!
> First we should contribute the work that doesn't have visible result - this is
> fine example. I didn't check how does it look yet, but i am heading to do it.
> About translating the .ini file comment - I was considering about it when
> translating MLCad and decided not to do so. Reasons:
> - common users will hardly ever open and edit this file (i teach computers so i
> am pretty sceptical ;)
> - if anybody does it, he is little bit more skilled and therefor he is supposed
> to know english enough to understand it (Germany, France, Japan and China are
> probably exceptions as it is market large enough to develop its own *full*
> translations - talking from sight of small-counry user tought to deal with
> english or half-translated software)
> - translation would increase file size and it can simply happen that one doesn't
> find a data because all these translations :)
> - But still, it's up to you (At least you can admire all our nice diacritic
> markers and language - unless it gots somehow wild encoded via internet)
> Robert
> P.S. As I see on preview, it didn't go through correctly. We must export our
> code page settings to the rest of the world to teach the damn Americans Czech :)
I agree, but hey -
; ============================================================================
; Fichero para ser leído por MLCad V3.00 o superior
; ============================================================================
; Las líneas que empiezan por ; son comentarios ...
; Las líneas vacías se ignoran
; Las siguientes secciones definen los elementos utilizados por el generador
; de minifigs. Hay una sección por cada elemento minifig
; Los nombres de las secciones son fijos si faltan o son erróneos, MLCAD
; utilizará un esquema interno ¡diferente del contenido de este fichero!
; Cada línea tiene el siguiente formato:
; "<Display name>" "<DAT/LDR file name>" <Flags> <Matrix> <Offset>
; <Display name> Asi se muestra el nombre de la pieza en la lista de elementos
; <DAT/LDR file name> El nombre del fichero de la pieza o "" para piezas ocultas
; <Flags> siempre 0 reservado para uso futoro
; <Matrix> una matriz de rotación a11 a12 a13 ... a33 para un viasualizado
; óptimo con un ángulo de rotación de 0 grados
; <Offset> La compensación espacial necesaria para ajustar la pieza al resto de
; la minifig
; Modifica este fichero a tu gusto, pero te pediría que me enviaseses una copia
; para redistribuirla a otros usuarios. Manda tus versiones a
; support@lm-software.com con un subject adecuado. Por favor, no me remitas
; copias que utilizen piezas no oficiales y asegúrate de estar utilizando la
; biblioteca de piezas más reciente de www.ldraw.org
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Updating MLCad.ini
| Hallo back! First we should contribute the work that doesn't have visible result - this is fine example. I didn't check how does it look yet, but i am heading to do it. About translating the .ini file comment - I was considering about it when (...) (21 years ago, 19-Nov-03, to lugnet.cad.dev, lugnet.cad.mlcad)
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