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Re: A little lion I'm working on...
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 17:20:24 GMT
1166 times
In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava wrote:

   As for my shield article, that wasn’t supposed to be public yet :) I plan to include thumbnails for quick downloads and actual words and stuff. I was just building that page to show friends.

Er... Oops! Sorry about that. Well, I’m one of your friends, right? :-)

   I plan to include other things in the article as well, including how to make your own shield from an existing picture, and rough directions on how to take the images on disk and turning them into stickers.

That would be truly awesome!

I’m also toying with the idea of making my raw photoshop files available for download so that people can make other variations, or whatever they’d like to do with them.

As would that! Are you working geometrically or bitmapping? It would be nice if your stuff could be somehow transferred over to ldraw patterned parts stuff where that’s appropriate..

(added to the FUT)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A little lion I'm working on...
(...) This is just a little post to say that my shield article has been posted to classic castle. Feel free to read it. (URL) Classic Castle> --Anthony (21 years ago, 31-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,, FTX)

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  Re: A little lion I'm working on...
(...) Thanks much Larry! I'm glad you liked it, next to the Black Monarch's shield it was the hardest one I had to do, simply for the lack of high quality, like-new sticker images. That isn't to say I couldn't find high quality images, just that I (...) (21 years ago, 30-Oct-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general, FTX)

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