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LEdit Command line question
Mon, 4 Aug 2003 18:10:57 GMT
1309 times
My ignorance of meta-commands is very nearly complete, so I throw myself on the
mercy of my peers here in

Is there a way to "set" the rotation point of a part that will work in LEdit?
For example, if I'd like the 2x4 brick 3001.dat to rotate around the centerpoint
of the front-bottom edge, can I set the point of rotation to (0,24,-20) in some

I know of the ROTATION CENTER meta-command, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Naturally, I could translate the relevent part so that its actual center is on
the intended rotation point, but this can be undesireable for off-sized

Any help is greatly appreciated, even if it amounts to "read the documentation,
you clown."


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LEdit Command line question
(...) Most of the meta commands are used outside of the original LEdit program. ROTATION CENTER is currently only used in MLCad (I make use of it frequently). If you're not able to use MLCad (I don't see why not), then I suggest making a custom part (...) (22 years ago, 4-Aug-03, to
  Re: LEdit Command line question  [DAT]
(...) The only way to do this with LEdit is to create your own part file, consisting of one line: 1 16 0 -24 20 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat If you store that file in your ldraw\parts directory, you can use it in LEdit as a part, in place of 3001.dat. (...) (22 years ago, 6-Aug-03, to

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