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Re: I need help on Delphi so I can finnish my program
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:21:38 GMT
483 times
I need to know how can I pass a selected Listbox item to a lets say 4 edits.
Example user clicks on a item an then delphi passes the 4 words in the
current item to 4 edits a word in each edit.

Can someone help me plase.

I hope is not with Extractlist funtion

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: I need help on Delphi so I can finnish my program
"Eduardo Vazquez Harte" <> skrev i meddelandet (...) edits. (...) const CtrlAndSpace = [#0..#32]; var s: string; p, q: integer; begin s := ListBox1.Items[ListB...temIndex]; p := 1; while (p < (...) (22 years ago, 18-Sep-02, to
  Re: I need help on Delphi so I can finnish my program
(...) Hi Eduardo, Have you considered asking the nice folks on the delphi newsgroup? (URL) might have better luck with this sort of question if you ask them. I suspect only a small percentage of the readers of the group know a whole (...) (22 years ago, 18-Sep-02, to
  Re: I need help on Delphi so I can finnish my program
(...) If you don't want to use the ExtractStrings function then do this: StringList := TStringList.Create; i := 1; String1 := ''; String2 := ListBox.Items[ListBo...temIndex]; while i <= Length(String2) do begin if String2[i] <> ' ' then begin (...) (22 years ago, 18-Sep-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  I need help on Delphi so I can finnish my program
How can I change a leter of a current selected line? example 1 0 3 0 5 0 0 1 how can a change the second 0 witch is the 5th numbe from left? and a word? example 2 hello Eduardo how are you. How can I change Eduardo word "name" ? please help me I (...) (22 years ago, 15-Sep-02, to

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