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Re: 30375cs0.dat, "MiniBot SW Battle Droid (complete)"
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 19:10:12 GMT
548 times
In, Franklin W. Cain writes:
[FUT ".dev"]

0 MiniBot SW Battle Droid (complete)
0 Name: 30375cs0.dat

This file should be 30375c01.dat.

Uh, why?

Because it's an assembled item, based on unpatterned/decorated parts.

Actually, since this file does *not* represent a part as delivered by
TLC[1], the title should be flagged (Shortcut), not (Complete) (or
(complete), as you put it).

Part # 30375 isn't unique the the "Star Wars" theme,
it's used in the "Life on Mars" theme as well,

In that case, it might not be the best choice to use as the base number for
the shortcut files.

so I thougt that
the theme should be part of the filename (as with pattern numbers).

That hasn't been the usage so far.  Check the horses.

1) That is, when you open a Star Wars set, there are no assembled battle
droids in it.  You have to put them together.  Contrast this with minifig
hips and legs assemblies, which are put together when you open the box.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 30375cs0.dat, "MiniBot SW Battle Droid (complete)"
(...) [cue fx="light bulb" ] Ahhh! I see. Sorry, my bad. (...) Well, since the torso has three different "Star Wars" patterns (so far), for a total of four different battle droid "short cut" assemblies for the "Star Wars" theme, I still think we (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 30375cs0.dat, "MiniBot SW Battle Droid (complete)"
[FUT ".dev"] (...) Uh, why? Part # 30375 isn't unique the the "Star Wars" theme, it's used in the "Life on Mars" theme as well, so I thougt that the theme should be part of the filename (as with pattern numbers). Since there are three patterns for (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to,

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