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 CAD / Development / 7132
7131  |  7133
Re: Checking 48\1-4ring4.dat
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 13:51:29 GMT
560 times
In, Paul Easter wrote:

In, Steve Bliss writes:
See <>

Can someone check the vertices in this file?  My calculations are differing
on most of the values, but only by 0.0001.  I used by Excel (in Windows
2000, on a Intel Pentium) and Perl (in Linux, on an Alpha processor) to
calculate the coordinates, and I got the same results both times.

As this file is one of the dependencies for the horse's head, I don't want
to Hold it unless necessary.  But I don't want to certify it if there are

Yes, I agree.

My Excel spreadsheet created file is varying by 0.0001 to 0.0002.

My code matches your code exactly.  Could you submit your file to the
tracker?  But please add an Author line for Sascha, he gets first-mover


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Checking 48\1-4ring4.dat
(...) Steve, He's uploaded the file, it's been certified, and it's ready for admin review... Thanks, Franklin (23 years ago, 20-Apr-02, to
  Re: Checking 48\1-4ring4.dat
(...) Done. Now we just need to get the file re-certified. I cast the first re-vote.... ;) Paul (23 years ago, 20-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Checking 48\1-4ring4.dat  [DAT]
(...) Yes, I agree. My Excel spreadsheet created file is varying by 0.0001 to 0.0002. Paul 0 Hi-Res Ring 4 x 0.25 0 Name: 48\1-4ring4.dat 0 Author: Paul Easter 0 Unofficial Primitive 0 BFC CERTIFY CW 4 16 4 0 0 3.9658 0 0.5221 4.9572 0 0.6526 5 0 0 (...) (23 years ago, 19-Apr-02, to

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