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 CAD / Development / 5024
  Re: Voting Open for LCAD Parts Update 2000-02
Steve Bliss wrote... (...) Yes, 226 files! Thank you for your effort. (...) Well, I did - or rather L3P went nuts spitting out 1500+ lines! It seems that 63 files slipped through the Quality Control: 980 bow-ties ("Bad vertex sequence") 487 (...) (24 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to
  Re: Voting Open for LCAD Parts Update 2000-02
(...) I considered posting the L3P -check output as a link on the voting page. (...) How about a parrot w/o decorative printing? ;) (...) It would be very nice if L3Lab had a menu command for L3P-check'ing the current file. A little dialog to set (...) (24 years ago, 22-Aug-00, to

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