Re: eliminating polygons?
Sat, 15 Jul 2000 06:47:25 GMT
856 times
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In, Steve Bliss writes:
> [moved to]
> In, Michael Horvath wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I was just wondering,
> > Does a utility exist (either for .Dat or .Dxf or .Pov) that automatically
> > eliminates all polygons that are not visible?
> There's no such utility for DAT. I know of a few utilities/test programs
> that are close to this ability, but that's not what they were written for.
> I don't know about DXF.
> For POV, you can't drop hidden polygons, because they still add to the
> scene through reflection of light. Well, ok, you can drop polygons that
> are totally hidden, covered up on all sides. But that isn't what 'hidden
> polygons' usually means when rendering.
> > I thought this might cut rendering time in POVray, and I'm trying to export
> > *.dat files to other platforms so that I might create a game or simulation.
> > Reducing the number of polygons would make this feasable.
> I'm not sure how smart POV-Ray is about ignoring stuff that can't possibly
> affect the rendering. I'd assumed it was a very optimized program.
> > Also, any tips that you might have on reducing the number of polygons
> > manually would be appreciated. LDraw parts have such great shapes, but
> > they're such render-hogs!
> You could make copies of the part-files used in your models, and remove the
> studs and interior surfaces. Then use the copied/reduced parts whenever
> the studs/bottom are covered up.
> Heck, if a brick is in a wall, you can replace the part-file with a
> reference to rect.dat (rect.dat is a horizontal outlined square, 2LDUx2LDU,
> centered at the origin). You just have to change the orientation
> parameters to stretch the rectangle out to the right shape, and position it
> correctly.
> For instance, say you want to replace a 2x4 brick which is just showing
> it's long side.
> You start with this:
> 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat
> You replace it with this:
> 1 4 0 12 -20 40 0 0 0 0 12 0 -1 0 rect.dat
> Steve
I guess I'll have to get pretty involved in the in-to's and out's of part-
making. I'm kind of lazy. I thought there might be an easy way of doing it.
Anyway, I shouldn't infringe on the LDraw organization, since they're their
parts, by hacking at 'em and taking them apart just so I can use them in a
different program, I mean.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: eliminating polygons?
| "Michael Horvath" <> wrote in message (...) part- (...) doing it. (...) their (...) a (...) On the contrary, you should feel free to hack away at LDraw parts to optimize them for your own usage. (...) (25 years ago, 15-Aug-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: eliminating polygons? [DAT]
| [moved to] (...) There's no such utility for DAT. I know of a few utilities/test programs that are close to this ability, but that's not what they were written for. I don't know about DXF. For POV, you can't drop hidden polygons, (...) (25 years ago, 29-Jun-00, to
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