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 CAD / Development / 1393
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Re: suggestion for roadplate like parts
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 12:10:30 GMT
826 times
jonathan wilson wrote in message ...
i have a suggestion for patterned baseplates e.g. the roadplates. how about
taking each plate and making a subpart with the studs and baseplate itself,
just missing toe top surface and then have the main part reference that
subpart. then any patterened parts can also reference that subpart.

Jonathan, could you do me a favor.  Could you please proofread your messages
just a small amount before you post?  I normally can filter the message, but
this morning I'm suffering from something that has my head, throat, ears,
and eyes hurt (I think my "toe" nails even hurt, but I am not sure with all
the rest).  It would be very much a help to me and possibly others.



Message is in Reply To:
  suggestion for roadplate like parts
i have a suggestion for patterned baseplates e.g. the roadplates. how about taking each plate and making a subpart with the studs and baseplate itself, just missing toe top surface and then have the main part reference that subpart. then any (...) (26 years ago, 15-Apr-99, to

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