Re: suggestion for roadplate like parts
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 12:10:30 GMT
826 times
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jonathan wilson wrote in message ...
> i have a suggestion for patterned baseplates e.g. the roadplates. how about
> taking each plate and making a subpart with the studs and baseplate itself,
> just missing toe top surface and then have the main part reference that
> subpart. then any patterened parts can also reference that subpart.
Jonathan, could you do me a favor. Could you please proofread your messages
just a small amount before you post? I normally can filter the message, but
this morning I'm suffering from something that has my head, throat, ears,
and eyes hurt (I think my "toe" nails even hurt, but I am not sure with all
the rest). It would be very much a help to me and possibly others.
Message is in Reply To:
| | suggestion for roadplate like parts
| i have a suggestion for patterned baseplates e.g. the roadplates. how about taking each plate and making a subpart with the studs and baseplate itself, just missing toe top surface and then have the main part reference that subpart. then any (...) (26 years ago, 15-Apr-99, to
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