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 CAD / Development / 10519
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Re: LSynth electric cable cross section oriention problem
Mon, 27 Nov 2006 00:38:17 GMT
3460 times
In, Ross Crawford wrote:
In, Kevin L. Clague wrote:

  In case you didn't get this far, I solved the above problem and can now
control twist all through a cable segment from start point to end point.

  I calculate the up vector for the start of segment, and the up vector for the
end of segment.  I also calculate the entire length of the segment.

  At each new cross section, I calculate how far we are down the total length,
and calculate the current up vector based on the start_up, end_up, and
current_length/total length.

Hi Kevin,

Another possibility to investigate is to change the up vector in inverse
proportion to the bezier curve change. That would mean it would twist less where
there's a sharper bend, and would possibly end up looking more authentic.

But I'd hate to be the one working out the algorithm...


Me too!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LSynth electric cable cross section oriention problem
(...) Hi Kevin, Another possibility to investigate is to change the up vector in inverse proportion to the bezier curve change. That would mean it would twist less where there's a sharper bend, and would possibly end up looking more authentic. But (...) (18 years ago, 26-Nov-06, to

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