Re: LSynth electric cable cross section oriention problem
Mon, 27 Nov 2006 00:38:17 GMT
3460 times
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In, Ross Crawford wrote:
> In, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
> >
> > In case you didn't get this far, I solved the above problem and can now
> > control twist all through a cable segment from start point to end point.
> >
> > I calculate the up vector for the start of segment, and the up vector for the
> > end of segment. I also calculate the entire length of the segment.
> >
> > At each new cross section, I calculate how far we are down the total length,
> > and calculate the current up vector based on the start_up, end_up, and
> > current_length/total length.
> Hi Kevin,
> Another possibility to investigate is to change the up vector in inverse
> proportion to the bezier curve change. That would mean it would twist less where
> there's a sharper bend, and would possibly end up looking more authentic.
> But I'd hate to be the one working out the algorithm...
Me too!
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: LSynth electric cable cross section oriention problem
| (...) Hi Kevin, Another possibility to investigate is to change the up vector in inverse proportion to the bezier curve change. That would mean it would twist less where there's a sharper bend, and would possibly end up looking more authentic. But (...) (18 years ago, 26-Nov-06, to
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