| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) Were any other issues anticipated? (...) I did a short test of MLCAD with a modified PARTS.LST. The results were mixed - MLCAD seems OK using an altered-format PARTS.LST file, but re-generating PARTS.LST from MLCAD results in an invalid file. (...) (15 years ago, 25-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) If I understand that, this would mean that we could use a new mklist tool and we can start using that long filenames. The possibility to use MLCad for generating PARTS.LST will be away, but this only a little cut. cu mikeheide (15 years ago, 25-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) I could update the mklist sources to work handle filenames with 25 chars I was going to add a quietmode commandline option this weekend anyhow. Should I allow 25 chars as the default, and perhaps include an optional command line arg to (...) (15 years ago, 25-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) That would be good, I think. (...) Can you have two levels? Level One that still shows the warnings, but doesn't stop, and Level Two suppresses all warnings. (...) I'd keep the current line-format for all parts conforming to the 8.3 format, (...) (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) If it's running in Windows, I think a backwards-compatible switch should use the Win32 API to get the short filename (with the ~1 at the end, usually, determined using PathGetShortPath) and use that in place of the long filename. --Travis (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) Sounds easy, but I think nobody can read that short filenames that would appear in the MLCad list!? cu mikeheide (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) For MLCAD it doesn't matter. Steve said that MLCAD worked fine with long filenames inside parts.lst. The only reason to put the short filename in is for other programs that might have problems with the long filename. And as long as mklist is (...) (15 years ago, 27-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) Yeah, I was actually planning a -f to force it to finish and -q for quiet. (...) For now I've added a -8 to make it use the 8.3 format. As per Travis' suggestion it converts to the canonical short form under Windows. The function uppercases (...) (15 years ago, 28-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) My thinking is the 'ragged' format has the least impact - if there are no long part nambers, then the output PARTS.LST would exactly match the classic format, without the user having to know anything about long/short part nambers. Of course, (...) (15 years ago, 29-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | mklist 1.6beta1
(...) I'm assuming the 80 char lines is what you're aiming for here, so based on the 64 char limit on descriptions I started the descriptions on the 16th character of the line. That gives room for a 15 character name and a single space before the (...) (15 years ago, 29-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
Sorry to follow-up my own post, but I did a quick test on MLCAD. (...) I had a DUH! moment after posting the previous message. If MLCAD can use a ragged format file, of course it can use a fixed-25 format file. DOH. (...) I prepared a PARTS.LST file (...) (15 years ago, 29-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: 11-16 primitives?
(...) In the mklist beta I posted there's an undocumented -r switch to turn off the ragged edges and make room for 25 char filenames. There's also an undocumented -t to twiddle with the 78 vs 80 character line formats. But there's nothing yet for (...) (15 years ago, 29-Sep-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)
| | Re: mklist 1.6beta1
(...) Dave! (11 years ago, 22-Dec-13, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts.primitives)