[DAT] (requires LDraw-compatible viewer)
Re: Darth Maul Head part phase 3 at BrickShelf
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 16:15:54 GMT
1391 times
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In lugnet.cad.dat.parts, Chris Dee writes:
> Good work Dan. However the left eye seems to be at the wrong angle - looks like
> a translation of the right eye, rather than a reflection about x.
Fixed it, and turned it into a dat rather than mpd, and also fixed the
missing triangle on the right side of the face. New dat attached.
> When you put the black in it is worth remembering that you will get better
> renditions in some renderers if you also code a type 2 line inside and along
> the long axis of the long thin quads. At low-mag this will stop the red areas
> merging.
OK, thanks. Any tips on what to do about optional lines with a pattern like
0 Minifig Head with Darth Maul Pattern
0 Name: maulph3.dat
0 Author: Daniel Crichton (danielc@helio.co.uk)
0 Unofficial part
0 In progress - unpatterned areas still need adding to complete face
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 s\3626bs01.dat
4 4 0 12.1042 -13 0.23494 11.8125 -12.9533 1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 0 13.5625 -13
4 4 0 12.1042 -13 -0.23494 11.8125 -12.9533 -1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 0 13.5625 -13
4 4 0.23494 11.8125 -12.9533 0.23494 10.6458 -12.9533 1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727 1.40964 12.25 -12.7195
4 4 -0.23494 11.8125 -12.9533 -0.23494 10.6458 -12.9533 -1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727 -1.40964 12.25 -12.7195
4 4 1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727 2.3494 10.6458 -12.5325 2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637
4 4 -1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 -1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727 -2.3494 10.6458 -12.5325 -2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637
4 4 2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637 2.3494 10.6458 -12.5325 3.75904 11.375 -12.252 3.13253 11.8125 -12.3766
4 4 -2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637 -2.3494 10.6458 -12.5325 -3.75904 11.375 -12.252 -3.13253 11.8125 -12.3766
4 4 3.75904 11.375 -12.252 4.22892 11.0833 -12.1585 4.975 11.8983 -12.01 4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
4 4 -3.75904 11.375 -12.252 -4.22892 11.0833 -12.1585 -4.975 11.8983 -12.01 -4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
3 4 3.13253 11.8125 -12.3766 3.75904 11.375 -12.252 4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
3 4 -3.13253 11.8125 -12.3766 -3.75904 11.375 -12.252 -4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
3 4 4.975 11.8983 -12.01 6.89157 13.8542 -10.7293 4.975 14.8542 -12.01
3 4 -4.975 11.8983 -12.01 -6.89157 13.8542 -10.7293 -4.975 14.8542 -12.01
3 4 4.975 11.8983 -12.01 4.975 14.8542 -12.01 4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
3 4 -4.975 11.8983 -12.01 -4.975 14.8542 -12.01 -4.69879 15.0208 -12.065
3 4 0.23494 10.6458 -12.9533 0.783133 10.2083 -12.8442 1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727
3 4 -0.23494 10.6458 -12.9533 -0.783133 10.2083 -12.8442 -1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727
4 4 0.783133 10.2083 -12.8442 0.23494 9.33333 -12.9533 1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572 1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727
4 4 -0.783133 10.2083 -12.8442 -0.23494 9.33333 -12.9533 -1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572 -1.64458 10.6458 -12.6727
4 4 0.23494 9.33333 -12.9533 0.23494 4 -12.9533 1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572
4 4 -0.23494 9.33333 -12.9533 -0.23494 4 -12.9533 -1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 -1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572
4 4 1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572 1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 2.66265 8.60417 -12.4702 2.50602 9.04167 -12.5013
4 4 -1.72289 9.1875 -12.6572 -1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 -2.66265 8.60417 -12.4702 -2.50602 9.04167 -12.5013
4 4 1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 0.23494 4 -12.9533 2.50602 4 -12.5013 2.3494 6.125 -12.5325
4 4 -1.40964 6.70833 -12.7195 -0.23494 4 -12.9533 -2.50602 4 -12.5013 -2.3494 6.125 -12.5325
4 4 0.23494 4 -12.9533 2.19277 2.1875 -11.6253 3.13253 3.20833 -11.9668 2.50602 4 -12.5013
4 4 -0.23494 4 -12.9533 -2.19277 2.1875 -11.6253 -3.13253 3.20833 -11.9668 -2.50602 4 -12.5013
4 4 3.13253 3.20833 -11.9668 2.19277 2.1875 -11.6253 4.61609 2.1875 -11.1435 4.86155 3.42708 -11.7361
4 4 -3.13253 3.20833 -11.9668 -2.19277 2.1875 -11.6253 -4.61609 2.1875 -11.1435 -4.86155 3.42708 -11.7361
4 4 4.86155 3.42708 -11.7361 4.61609 2.1875 -11.1435 6.89157 2.1875 -9.6229 5.63855 3.5 -11.2614
4 4 -4.86155 3.42708 -11.7361 -4.61609 2.1875 -11.1435 -6.89157 2.1875 -9.6229 -5.63855 3.5 -11.2614
4 4 5.63855 3.5 -11.2614 6.89157 2.1875 -9.6229 7.51807 2.77083 -9.56031 6.26506 3.9375 -11.1098
4 4 -5.63855 3.5 -11.2614 -6.89157 2.1875 -9.6229 -7.51807 2.77083 -9.56031 -6.26506 3.9375 -11.1098
3 4 6.26506 3.9375 -11.1098 7.51807 2.77083 -9.56031 7.6747 3.79167 -10.0788
3 4 -6.26506 3.9375 -11.1098 -7.51807 2.77083 -9.56031 -7.6747 3.79167 -10.0788
4 4 3.44578 4 -12.3143 3.75904 3.35417 -11.9176 4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 4.85542 4 -12.0338
4 4 -3.44578 4 -12.3143 -3.75904 3.35417 -11.9176 -4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 -4.85542 4 -12.0338
3 4 3.44578 4 -12.3143 4.85542 4 -12.0338 4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273
3 4 -3.44578 4 -12.3143 -4.85542 4 -12.0338 -4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273
4 4 4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273 4.85542 4 -12.0338 4.975 4 -12.01 4.975 4.66667 -12.01
4 4 -4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273 -4.85542 4 -12.0338 -4.975 4 -12.01 -4.975 4.66667 -12.01
3 4 4.85542 4 -12.0338 4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 4.975 4 -12.01
3 4 -4.85542 4 -12.0338 -4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 -4.975 4 -12.01
3 4 4.975 4 -12.01 4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 5.24699 4 -11.8282
3 4 -4.975 4 -12.01 -4.93058 3.77569 -11.9028 -5.24699 4 -11.8282
4 4 4.975 4 -12.01 5.24699 4 -11.8282 5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 4.975 4.66667 -12.01
4 4 -4.975 4 -12.01 -5.24699 4 -11.8282 -5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 -4.975 4.66667 -12.01
4 4 4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273 4.975 4.66667 -12.01 4.975 6.41667 -12.01 3.75904 5.83333 -12.252
4 4 -4.38554 4.66667 -12.1273 -4.975 4.66667 -12.01 -4.975 6.41667 -12.01 -3.75904 5.83333 -12.252
4 4 4.975 4.66667 -12.01 5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 4.975 6.41667 -12.01
4 4 -4.975 4.66667 -12.01 -5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 -5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 -4.975 6.41667 -12.01
4 4 3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831 2.9759 5.97917 -12.4078 3.75904 5.83333 -12.252 4.975 6.41667 -12.01
4 4 -3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831 -2.9759 5.97917 -12.4078 -3.75904 5.83333 -12.252 -4.975 6.41667 -12.01
3 4 4.975 6.41667 -12.01 5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 4.975 7.09281 -12.01
3 4 -4.975 6.41667 -12.01 -5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 -4.975 7.09281 -12.01
3 4 3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831 4.975 6.41667 -12.01 4.975 7.09281 -12.01
3 4 -3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831 -4.975 6.41667 -12.01 -4.975 7.09281 -12.01
3 4 2.03614 6.70833 -12.5948 2.9759 5.97917 -12.4078 3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831
3 4 -2.03614 6.70833 -12.5948 -2.9759 5.97917 -12.4078 -3.60241 8.16667 -12.2831
3 4 5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573
3 4 -5.3253 6.85417 -11.7759 -5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 -5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573
4 4 5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573 5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 7.98795 4 -9.9966 8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861
4 4 -5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573 -5.95181 4.66667 -11.3573 -7.98795 4 -9.9966 -8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861
4 4 8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 7.98795 4 -9.9966 9.192 5.31682 -9.192 9.192 5.92451 -9.192
4 4 -8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 -7.98795 4 -9.9966 -9.192 5.31682 -9.192 -9.192 5.92451 -9.192
3 4 9.192 5.31682 -9.192 9.192 5.92451 -9.192 9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434
3 4 -9.192 5.31682 -9.192 -9.192 5.92451 -9.192 -9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434
3 4 7.98795 4 -9.9966 9.192 4 -9.192 9.192 5.31682 -9.192
3 4 -7.98795 4 -9.9966 -9.192 4 -9.192 -9.192 5.31682 -9.192
3 4 7.98795 4 -9.9966 9.192 4 -9.192 8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382
3 4 -7.98795 4 -9.9966 -9.192 4 -9.192 -8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382
4 4 8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454 10.6394 4 -7.02601
4 4 -8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 -10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 -10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454 -10.6394 4 -7.02601
4 4 10.6394 4 -7.02601 9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434 9.192 5.31682 -9.192 9.192 4 -9.192
4 4 -10.6394 4 -7.02601 -9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434 -9.192 5.31682 -9.192 -9.192 4 -9.192
3 4 8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 10.6394 4 -7.02601 9.192 4 -9.192
3 4 -8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 -10.6394 4 -7.02601 -9.192 4 -9.192
4 4 7.98795 4 -9.9966 7.98795 2.91667 -9.33533 8.61688 2.42856 -8.61688 8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382
4 4 -7.98795 4 -9.9966 -7.98795 2.91667 -9.33533 -8.61688 2.42856 -8.61688 -8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382
4 4 8.61688 2.42856 -8.61688 8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 9.192 2.21484 -7.56098
4 4 -8.61688 2.42856 -8.61688 -8.94383 3.3219 -8.94382 -10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 -9.192 2.21484 -7.56098
3 4 10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 10.8072 2.625 -5.51861 10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454
3 4 -10.3374 2.33333 -5.95527 -10.8072 2.625 -5.51861 -10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454
3 4 10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454 10.6394 4 -7.02601 10.7078 4 -6.92371
3 4 -10.8072 3.79167 -6.58454 -10.6394 4 -7.02601 -10.7078 4 -6.92371
4 4 9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434 10.6394 4 -7.02601 10.7078 4 -6.92371 10.1807 5.10417 -7.71243
4 4 -9.39759 5.54167 -8.88434 -10.6394 4 -7.02601 -10.7078 4 -6.92371 -10.1807 5.10417 -7.71243
3 4 5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573 8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 7.04819 8.45833 -10.6246
3 4 -5.95181 6.85417 -11.3573 -8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 -7.04819 8.45833 -10.6246
4 4 7.04819 8.45833 -10.6246 8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 9.192 7.97106 -9.192 7.36145 9.91667 -10.4153
4 4 -7.04819 8.45833 -10.6246 -8.92771 6.41667 -9.36861 -9.192 7.97106 -9.192 -7.36145 9.91667 -10.4153
3 4 7.36145 9.91667 -10.4153 9.192 9.26134 -9.192 9.192 7.97106 -9.192
3 4 -7.36145 9.91667 -10.4153 -9.192 9.26134 -9.192 -9.192 7.97106 -9.192
3 4 9.192 9.26134 -9.192 9.192 7.97106 -9.192 9.39759 9.1875 -8.88434
3 4 -9.192 9.26134 -9.192 -9.192 7.97106 -9.192 -9.39759 9.1875 -8.88434
4 4 8.61446 9.47917 -9.57794 9.192 9.26134 -9.192 9.192 11.7018 -9.192 6.73494 11.375 -10.8339
4 4 -8.61446 9.47917 -9.57794 -9.192 9.26134 -9.192 -9.192 11.7018 -9.192 -6.73494 11.375 -10.8339
4 4 9.192 9.26134 -9.192 9.39759 9.1875 -8.88434 10.0241 11.8125 -7.9468 9.192 11.7018 -9.192
4 4 -9.192 9.26134 -9.192 -9.39759 9.1875 -8.88434 -10.0241 11.8125 -7.9468 -9.192 11.7018 -9.192
4 4 6.73494 11.375 -10.8339 9.192 11.7018 -9.192 9.192 13.7069 -9.192 7.98795 14.5833 -9.9966
4 4 -6.73494 11.375 -10.8339 -9.192 11.7018 -9.192 -9.192 13.7069 -9.192 -7.98795 14.5833 -9.9966
3 4 7.98795 14.5833 -9.9966 9.192 13.7069 -9.192 8.61446 15.0208 -9.57794
3 4 -7.98795 14.5833 -9.9966 -9.192 13.7069 -9.192 -8.61446 15.0208 -9.57794
3 4 9.192 11.7018 -9.192 10.0241 11.8125 -7.9468 9.192 13.7069 -9.192
3 4 -9.192 11.7018 -9.192 -10.0241 11.8125 -7.9468 -9.192 13.7069 -9.192
4 4 7.36145 14.2917 -10.4153 8.61446 15.0208 -9.57794 4.975 16.7708 -12.01 4.975 15.4498 -12.01
4 4 -7.36145 14.2917 -10.4153 -8.61446 15.0208 -9.57794 -4.975 16.7708 -12.01 -4.975 15.4498 -12.01
3 4 4.975 16.7708 -12.01 4.69879 15.6042 -12.065 4.975 15.4498 -12.01
3 4 -4.975 16.7708 -12.01 -4.69879 15.6042 -12.065 -4.975 15.4498 -12.01
4 4 4.69879 15.6042 -12.065 4.975 16.7708 -12.01 2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
4 4 -4.69879 15.6042 -12.065 -4.975 16.7708 -12.01 -2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 -2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
3 4 2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
3 4 -2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 -2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 -2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
4 4 2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637 2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
4 4 -2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 -1.40964 12.25 -12.7195 -2.19277 11.7396 -12.5637 -2.81928 11.9583 -12.439
3 4 2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 1.56627 13.125 -12.6883
3 4 -2.03614 12.8333 -12.5948 -2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 -1.56627 13.125 -12.6883
4 4 1.56627 13.125 -12.6883 2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 0.783133 15.0208 -12.8442 0 14.5833 -13
4 4 -1.56627 13.125 -12.6883 -2.19277 14.1458 -12.5637 -0.783133 15.0208 -12.8442 0 14.5833 -13
3 4 0 14.5833 -13 0.783133 15.0208 -12.8442 0 15.0208 -13
3 4 0 14.5833 -13 -0.783133 15.0208 -12.8442 0 15.0208 -13
4 4 0 15.8958 -13 1.56627 15.8958 -12.6883 0.313253 16.3333 -12.9377 0 16.3333 -13
4 4 0 15.8958 -13 -1.56627 15.8958 -12.6883 -0.313253 16.3333 -12.9377 0 16.3333 -13
4 4 0.313253 16.3333 -12.9377 1.56627 15.8958 -12.6883 1.25301 16.7708 -12.7507 0.313253 17 -12.9377
4 4 -0.313253 16.3333 -12.9377 -1.56627 15.8958 -12.6883 -1.25301 16.7708 -12.7507 -0.313253 17 -12.9377
3 4 0.313253 17 -12.9377 1.25301 16.7708 -12.7507 1.25301 17 -12.7507
3 4 -0.313253 17 -12.9377 -1.25301 16.7708 -12.7507 -1.25301 17 -12.7507
4 4 0.313253 17 -12.9377 1.25301 17 -12.7507 2.50602 17.6458 -12.167 1.25301 17.7917 -12.3408
4 4 -0.313253 17 -12.9377 -1.25301 17 -12.7507 -2.50602 17.6458 -12.167 -1.25301 17.7917 -12.3408
4 4 1.25301 17.7917 -12.3408 2.50602 17.6458 -12.167 2.3494 18.8125 -11.5942 0.939759 18.8125 -11.8747
4 4 -1.25301 17.7917 -12.3408 -2.50602 17.6458 -12.167 -2.3494 18.8125 -11.5942 -0.939759 18.8125 -11.8747
4 4 0.939759 18.8125 -11.8747 0 18.8125 -12.0617 0 17.5 -12.7412 0.783133 17.9375 -12.3588
4 4 -0.939759 18.8125 -11.8747 0 18.8125 -12.0617 0 17.5 -12.7412 -0.783133 17.9375 -12.3588
1 14 3.8 10 -12.244 0 0.1708 0.679 -0.7 0 0 0 0.679 0.1708 4-4disc.dat
1 4 3.8 10 -12.244 0 0.0427 0.16975 -0.175 0 0 0 0.16975 0.0427 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 3.8 10 -12.244 0.16975 0.0427 0 0 0 0.175 0.0427 0.16975 0 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 3.8 10 -12.244 0 0.0427 -0.16975 0.175 0 0 0 0.16975 -0.0427 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 3.8 10 -12.244 -0.16975 0.0427 0 0 0 -0.175 -0.0427 0.16975 0 1-4ring4.dat
3 15 4.64875 10 -12.0305 4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 4.58416 9.66514 -12.0467
3 15 4.58416 9.66514 -12.0467 4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 4.40015 9.38129 -12.093
3 15 4.40015 9.38129 -12.093 4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 4.12482 9.19158 -12.1623
3 15 4.12482 9.19158 -12.1623 4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 3.8 9.125 -12.244
1 14 -3.8 10 -12.244 0 -0.1708 -0.679 -0.7 0 0 0 0.679 0.1708 4-4disc.dat
1 4 -3.8 10 -12.244 0 -0.0427 -0.16975 -0.175 0 0 0 0.16975 0.0427 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 -3.8 10 -12.244 -0.16975 -0.0427 0 0 0 0.175 0.0427 0.16975 0 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 -3.8 10 -12.244 0 -0.0427 0.16975 0.175 0 0 0 0.16975 -0.0427 1-4ring4.dat
1 4 -3.8 10 -12.244 0.16975 -0.0427 0 0 0 -0.175 -0.0427 0.16975 0 1-4ring4.dat
3 15 -4.64875 10 -12.0305 -4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 -4.58416 9.66514 -12.0467
3 15 -4.58416 9.66514 -12.0467 -4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 -4.40015 9.38129 -12.093
3 15 -4.40015 9.38129 -12.093 -4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 -4.12482 9.19158 -12.1623
3 15 -4.12482 9.19158 -12.1623 -4.8185 8.95 -11.9878 -3.8 9.125 -12.244
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Darth Maul Head part phase 3 at BrickShelf
| (...) like (...) You only need optional lines where the faces of the 16-sided prism (which we call a cylinder) meet. So to make it perfect, along these intersections you should code a contiguous series of type 5 lines in the inverse LDraw colour to (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-01, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Darth Maul Head part phase 3 at BrickShelf
| (...) Good work Dan. However the left eye seems to be at the wrong angle - looks like a translation of the right eye, rather than a reflection about x. When you put the black in it is worth remembering that you will get better renditions in some (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-01, to lugnet.cad.dat.parts)
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