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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 2392
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Re: Bendible Objects?
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 17:45:25 GMT
1015 times
I highly recommend Fredrik's LDraw-Mode.  It will take you a little while
to find the Emacs stuff and install it, plus some time to figure out how
to bend stuff.  But once you make the initial investment it is very easy
to create wonderful curving objects.

Some objects I've created using LDraw-Mode:
Technic ribbed hose
Technic smooth hose
Electric wires
Pneumatic tubing
Fibre-optic strands
Technic pulley rubber bands

Fredrik's site has enough instructions to get you going w/ LDraw-Mode.

-John Van

"Fredrik Glöckner" <> wrote in message
"Orion" <> writes:

What's the easiest way to form bendilble object in the DAT format?

It's generally quite difficult to model the flexible elements.  I've
made major mode for Emacs (an editor) which adds functions to model
some bent elements.  Take a look at some tutorials here:

I've included some instructions as to how to obtain Emacs and install
the major mode.  You can contact me if you have any questions.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Bendible Objects?
(...) Thanks! I'd say, though, that the instruction on my site are probably aimed at the wrong crowd. I should probably rewrite it all with users who are new to Emacs in mind. I can't promise to do this anytime soon, but it's on my TODO-list. In the (...) (24 years ago, 26-Feb-01, to
  Re: Bendible Objects?
(...) Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to know. How do you go about creating eliptic tori to simulate a pully band tunnign from A to B. Thank You! Greetings, Da Byte (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bendible Objects?
(...) It's generally quite difficult to model the flexible elements. I've made major mode for Emacs (an editor) which adds functions to model some bent elements. Take a look at some tutorials here: (URL) included some instructions as to how to (...) (24 years ago, 26-Feb-01, to

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