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Re: 2002-06 Parts Update Now Available
Wed, 1 Jan 2003 12:16:42 GMT
607 times
In lugnet.announce, Steve Bliss writes:
Happy New Year!

Same to you and everyone on lugnet

It's a few minutes after midnight, server time (ie, GMT).  The
final parts update for 2002 is now available.  This is update 2002-06, a
small package of just 54 files.  It's become a tradition for me to put out
an update just before the end of the year.  I arguably missed the deadline
this year, but not by much. :)

One big advance in this release: for the first time (after several years of
discussion), a sticker 'part' has been added to the official parts library.
It's a very nice item for a first sticker, check out 168135a.dat, the 2x8
LEGO/Technic/4x4x4 logo sticker.

To get the update, please visit <>.

Thanks to all the part authors and reviewers who put time and effort into
these parts.

I can find it where is it?

Steve Bliss

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 2002-06 Parts Update Now Available
(...) Hello Eduardo, What is it exacly that you can't find ? The explanation below assumes that you already have installed the LDraw Package, if this is not the case, go to (URL) page (URL) inside the table named "Download Link" there are 3 links: (...) (22 years ago, 2-Jan-03, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To: 2002-06 Parts Update Now Available
Happy New Year! It's a few minutes after midnight, server time (ie, GMT). The final parts update for 2002 is now available. This is update 2002-06, a small package of just 54 files. It's become a tradition for me to put out an update just (...) (22 years ago, 31-Dec-02, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, ! 

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