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Using primitives
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 14:24:29 GMT
468 times

I have some questions about using primitives:

How about overlapping of surfaces (triangles, quads, primitives)?
Especially when triangles/quads and primitives get together it might be
useful to overlap to keep the part simple and without gaps.

How about primitives partly going inside of a part?
Only for parts that are not available in transparent
Primitives get smooth roudings when rendered, but primitives are not
available in any size or angle.
Is it allowed to let a primitive go partly inside a part? The inside will
never be seen when the part is not used transparent.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Using primitives
(...) A far as I know there is not an issue doing this unless the Tri/Quad is visible from both sides and the part is BFC certified. The perferred method is to find the intersections and trim to fit. There are a number of utilities to aid you in (...) (22 years ago, 8-Oct-02, to lugnet.cad)

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