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Re: clockwork pov animation
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 00:27:36 GMT
839 times
Chris Daniel wrote...
I have uploaded an executable zip file of my clockwork animation.
Ahui pointed out to me that my last upload was broken so This time I used
mpg format.

Very nice animation!

The most chalanging process with this animation was trying to figure out
what direction each part would turn in my output.

  For example

//this gear turns counter clockwise or left as I expected
object {
matrix <1-SW/105.98,0,0,0,1-SW/105.98,0,0,0,1-SW/20,0,0,0>
matrix <-0.987688,0.156434,0,0.156434,0.987688,0,0,0,-1,-50,0,0>
#if (version >= 3.1) material #else texture #end { Color1 }
//this gear turns clockwise the opposit of what I expected
object {
matrix <1-SW/105.98,0,0,0,1-SW/105.98,0,0,0,1-SW/20,0,0,0>
matrix <0.996917,0.0784591,0,-0.0784591,0.996917,0,0,0,1,50,0,0>
#if (version >= 3.1) material #else texture #end { Color26 }

The two gear wheels rotate the same way in their own world,
but then you have rotated one of the wheels 180 degrees around
the y-axis, so the result is that they rotate in opposite directions
in your scene. Isn't that what you expected ;-)

  If anyone can enlignten me on the matrix and how it effects x,y,z rotations
  It would save me allot of time in the future.

L3P simply converts
   1 26 x y z a b c d e f g h i 3649.dat
   object {
      matrix <seam-transformation>
      matrix <a,d,g,b,e,h,c,f,i,x,y,z>
      #if (version >= 3.1) material #else texture #end { Color26 }
So, the matrix simply moves the gear wheel into place just like MLCad (et al) does.
POV applies transformations in the order they appear,
so you can add a rotate before the matrix to rotate the wheel in its own world
before it is put in the proper place in your scene by matrix.

The seam-transformation shrinks the wheel a bit. If it were a brick adjecent to
another brick, they would thus have a small seam between them.

Message is in Reply To:
  clockwork pov animation
I have uploaded an executable zip file of my clockwork animation. Ahui pointed out to me that my last upload was broken so This time I used mpg format. (URL) most chalanging process with this animation was trying to figure out what direction each (...) (23 years ago, 4-Feb-02, to lugnet.cad)

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