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Re: The LDraw Community is what each person makes it
Mon, 24 Dec 2001 17:36:54 GMT
1162 times
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.cad, Richard Marchetti writes:

[ ... snipped ... ]

I work in MLCad (using an .mpd to keep it all together and organized but
outputting .dat files as needed) until things are captured, then I use a
variety of home made .bat files and command line work to create my final
instruction images and parts lists Then I work with L3P and POVray. What I
do isn't all that repeatable, really, so not sure that a tutorial would be
very much help to others. In fact there probably are as many different • ways
of using the tools just in the GoB as there are GoB members actively
creating instructions.

(I've stopped using LDAO as well)

My process is very similar to Larry's although I have a couple of Unix shell
scripts thrown in the mix to do some POV rendering on a high end Sun
workstation.  About the only thing I use LDAO for is the visible parts


Mike Walsh - mike_walsh at mindspring dot com - North Carolina LEGO Users Group
http://www.carolinatrainbuilders - Carolina Train Builders - Brick Depot

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The LDraw Community is what each person makes it
(...) Me too. But between Peeron, the improvements in MLCad's organizational scheme and just generally knowing the parts better I don't use it as much as I used to. But the VEC is a good thing for novices. (23 years ago, 24-Dec-01, to lugnet.cad,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The LDraw Community is what each person makes it
(...) I don't know about everyone else but I do not. I work in MLCad (using an .mpd to keep it all together and organized but outputting .dat files as needed) until things are captured, then I use a variety of home made .bat files and command line (...) (23 years ago, 24-Dec-01, to lugnet.cad,,

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