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Re: Lani / QTVR - the URL, opps...
Sat, 22 Sep 2001 01:42:21 GMT
671 times
OK, It stands still when mouse is inactive, but rotates when I drag the
mouse. And I can zoom in/out.
Is that all it should be?

(Not complaining, just wondering if I'm missing something) :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Lani / QTVR - the URL, opps...
Opps, I didn't include the URL! (URL) I fixed the code so that it will work with ActiveX. Be sure to download the QT plugin if you don't have it (even though some don't like QT, it does cool 360 x 360 degree object rotations). (oh, and I know 2 of (...) (23 years ago, 22-Sep-01, to lugnet.cad)

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