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Re: Unnoficial Parts (Tiles with Edge)
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 21:25:12 GMT
992 times
In lugnet.cad, Jeff Boen writes:
In, Steve Bliss writes:
Any chance of you attacking pieces like
<>, which also have the

Sure.. I'll knock that one out tonight.. it really only takes a few minutes
for each one. I'll try to hit some of the patterned 1x2s and the rest of the
patterned 2x2s as well.

Hmm.  Would it be worth making subfiles for the 'blank' areas of the
patterned parts?  I realize these are pretty simple pieces (even with the
grooves), but it would help other authors to do this.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Unnoficial Parts (Tiles with Edge)
(...) Do you mean to do all the tiles without the top face? (that's where I would start if I was going to create a patterned part. That should be no problem. J (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Unnoficial Parts (Tiles with Edge)
(...) Sure.. I'll knock that one out tonight.. it really only takes a few minutes for each one. I'll try to hit some of the patterned 1x2s and the rest of the patterned 2x2s as well. J (24 years ago, 5-Dec-00, to lugnet.cad)

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