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 CAD / 17095
    Re: The future of LDraw? —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) Nod. But if the people responsible for LUGNET don't want it to gradually fade away and become even less relevant, changes are needed. Without them, other sections won't return either. I note that there's a facebook discussion group started on (...) (15 years ago, 21-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)  
        Re: The future of LDraw? —Patrick Charette
   (...) Lugnet would need to be simpler... It can't compete with modern social networks and user friendly picture-hosting websites. Basically, that would imply A LOT of work while keeping everything free... (15 years ago, 24-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: The future of LDraw? —Ross Crawford
   Wow. It's been a while since a thread here broke the 100 dot limit I think... ROSCO (15 years ago, 25-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad)

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