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Re: Mirror matrix question
Mon, 15 Jun 2009 02:14:05 GMT
9200 times
In lugnet.cad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
If I have an LDraw Type 1 line that adds a submodel, and the rotation
matrix of the line is a mirrored matrix about one and only one axis,
can one calculate which axis the model is mirrored about?  Can one do
so if the user mirrored *and* rotated the submodel when adding it to
the model?

I don't think so.

What I want to do is to be able to render the mirror image version of
the model as the mirror image (so the user builds the submodel correctly),
but with the same overall orientation as the non-mirrored version.

  Any help would be great.

What if you mirror it again to get back to an unmirrored state, then run
the code in mirwiz to create a submodel that only looks mirrored (but
actually just flips pieces to look mirrored and substitutes opposite
wedges, wings, and other one sided parts)?  Then you can use the same
orientation as the unmirrored original submodel.  And the part list will
have the correct number of left/right wings and such.

Message is in Reply To:
  Mirror matrix question
Hi gang, If I have an LDraw Type 1 line that adds a submodel, and the rotation matrix of the line is a mirrored matrix about one and only one axis, can one calculate which axis the model is mirrored about? Can one do so if the user mirrored *and* (...) (16 years ago, 14-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

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