Re: LPub4 callout arrows vs. pointers
Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:33:18 GMT
7727 times
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In lugnet.cad, Jim DeVona wrote:
> In lugnet.cad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
> > I've been working a lot on One of the changes I've made is to
> > replace the callout pointers (the triangles), with arrows.
> >
> > The arrow color is the same as the callout border. You will have choices on
> > arrowhead dimensions and shaft thickness. You set the arrowhead length simply
> > by dragging one of the two ends.
> >
> > The point I'm trying to make is that I did not add arrows and leave pointers in.
> > I've replaced pointers with arrows, as LEGO did long ago.
> >
> > Any objections?
> No, but it'd be nice to see an example. Will it be possible to have bends or
> corners in the arrows?
> Jim
Yes, of course, but not in this next release. Sorry. I'm guessing that hearing
this is a double edge sword for you, because in the past, you've taken most
every LPub source code update (hint: and test driven it for
me. I hope you are not too busy this Christas season though. The last time I
tried to putback source code, it failed. I get tired of sourceforge changing
procedures all the time (like maybe every couple of years, I'm sure you
understand) so I decided to ignore the issue (in hindsight maybe since the
release of the broken LPub). Anyway, if I'm going to release these
changes (like that won't happen), I will have to update sourceforge.
I'll drop a note here when it is updated so you don't have to poll. Presuming
of course that you would be willing to risk "unreleased" software. ;^)
If you would be so kind as to test it for me, I would be grateful. Maybe you
could even provide a beta version to all your Mac friends to test.
Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: LPub4 callout arrows vs. pointers
| (...) I'd be happy to test it for you too. Can you send me a compiled executable of LPub? Just mail it. (...) Merry Xmas to you all too! And Kevin: once again I thank you! (16 years ago, 19-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad)
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