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Re: LPub4 callout arrows vs. pointers
Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:33:18 GMT
7727 times
In lugnet.cad, Jim DeVona wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
I've been working a lot on  One of the changes I've made is to
replace the callout pointers (the triangles), with arrows.

The arrow color is the same as the callout border.  You will have choices on
arrowhead dimensions and shaft thickness.  You set the arrowhead length simply
by dragging one of the two ends.

The point I'm trying to make is that I did not add arrows and leave pointers in.
I've replaced pointers with arrows, as LEGO did long ago.

Any objections?

No, but it'd be nice to see an example. Will it be possible to have bends or
corners in the arrows?


Yes, of course, but not in this next release. Sorry.  I'm guessing that hearing
this is a double edge sword for you, because in the past, you've taken most
every LPub source code update (hint: and test driven it for
me.  I hope you are not too busy this Christas season though.  The last time I
tried to putback source code, it failed.  I get tired of sourceforge changing
procedures all the time (like maybe every couple of years, I'm sure you
understand) so I decided to ignore the issue (in hindsight maybe since the
release of the broken LPub).  Anyway, if I'm going to release these
changes (like that won't happen), I will have to update sourceforge.

I'll drop a note here when it is updated so you don't have to poll.  Presuming
of course that you would be willing to risk "unreleased" software. ;^)

If you would be so kind as to test it for me, I would be grateful.  Maybe you
could even provide a beta version to all your Mac friends to test.

Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LPub4 callout arrows vs. pointers
(...) I'd be happy to test it for you too. Can you send me a compiled executable of LPub? Just mail it. (...) Merry Xmas to you all too! And Kevin: once again I thank you! (16 years ago, 19-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LPub4 callout arrows vs. pointers
(...) No, but it'd be nice to see an example. Will it be possible to have bends or corners in the arrows? Jim (16 years ago, 19-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad)

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