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Re: 3D modeling and animation software
Wed, 7 Feb 2007 12:37:35 GMT
1637 times
Brian Durney wrote:
Sorry if this is too open-ended, but I am having a hard time finding something
good and would appreciate any help I can get.
Brian Durney

I'm working on an animation tool for over 3 years now, it's a succeeder
of my LD4DModeler. I know LD4DModeler kinda sucked :) on usability and
stability, thats why I'm taking my time with the new software.

It will have everything you named except the crossplatformness. Also the
scripting will be limited to a formula language for manipulating eg
angles based upon others.


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  3D modeling and animation software
Hello, From time to time I have read posts in this group about 3D modeling and animation software and would like to ask for opinions. I have tried quite a few modeling programs (mostly free or low-cost) but have been unable to find anything that I (...) (18 years ago, 7-Feb-07, to lugnet.cad)

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