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Re: Ldraw Minifig "Machinima" POVray include file
lugnet.cad, lugnet.animation
Fri, 27 Feb 2004 13:38:44 GMT
6199 times
In lugnet.cad, Miguel Agullo wrote:
   As it stands right now, the latest (yet unreleased) file includes support for multiple minifigs at once plus custom minifig placement and orientation within a scene.

Cool. I’m anxious to see it. I’ve built most of my MLCAD scene for it already - as soon as you release I’ll put it to work and make ‘em sweat. :)

There’s just one thing about this include file that is bad but indirectly very good: it makes my L3PBatch program totally obsolete. :)

   At this point, the user can already ask the inclde file to “make this minifig take 2 steps - in whatever direction -; stop for x amount of time and then continue walking” (using #if statements based on the POVray clock).

That has enormous potential, I think. A crosswalk or something like that, perhaps.

Uh-oh. Looks like the cable connection is going to quit again today (like it always does on Fridays). Better hurry this up.

   This is 90% completed, although I’d like to include a “variance” variable that will make the timing of the movement of multiple minfigs slightly different for each one of them. This is specially important if, for instance, a scene includes several minifigs moving in group in the same direction. Without a slight variance between them, it looks too mechanical, too in-step.

That would be cool too - great idea. Even just a very tiny variance would break it up a little and take away that CGI perfection feeling.

   Things to come in the longer term include making turns and better “acting” support (i.e. “make this minifig wave its hand, then take 2 steps, then turn right, then take one more step”).

Miguel, I must say this: when you complete this file, it will revolutionize the hobby of stop-motion animation!! Imagine - we could now be doing half a movie with one file. Wow!!

   Also, at one point I’d like to replace all the trigonometry functions with matrices: I’ve heard it’s more “elegant” that way in the POVray user forums ;-)

Elegant schmelegant - it’s also harder to understand. But on the other hand, I definitely need to figure those out soon.

   Any suggestions, offers for help, etc. are welcome - but I’d really like to see people at least pick it up and breathe some life into their fav minifigs.

Very interesting choice of words there (you’ll see why when my film is completed). I’ll do my best.

   Here is an example of a scene with multiple minifigs. Please take into account that minfigs can be placed anywhere (not simply merged together initially, like in the video), can be of different kinds (in the video, it’s the same instance repeated four times) and can have different walking cycles / timing / movements (in the video, they all have the exact same settings).

That is so cool. I can’t wait to get my twitchy (20fps, of course) little fingers on that file!!

   (Stop motion is very cool but this may actually be cooler in the long run)

Well, I’m not sure if I could pick a winner between, say, “Toy Story” and “Wallace and Gromit”

Or...Chicken Run and Ice Age? (I watched a good part of Chicken Run at 1/32 speed yesterday and still couldn’t figure out how some of it was done.)


More like...three cheers!! :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ldraw Minifig "Machinima" POVray include file
Latest version. (URL) multi-minifig support. I've also added the POVray feile (& the original Ldraw ones too) that render the video below. (URL) .inc file itself includes intructions. The main_secene file (21 years ago, 28-Feb-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ldraw Minifig "Machinima" POVray include file
(...) Well, I guess I need a user base first ... 8?) Actually, I'm developing this as fast as I can partly becasue I'm taking a two week vacation away from it all starting a week from today & partly because there is one user who has expressed (...) (21 years ago, 27-Feb-04, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.animation)

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