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LF vs. CRLF in server .DAT script
lugnet.admin.general,, lugnet.cad
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 01:21:18 GMT
87 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, (jonathan wilson) writes:
i have discovered an anoying problem with lugnet.cad.dat

when you retrieve .dat file with the open as .dat file link the resulting
file only has line feeds and ledit/ldraw can't read the file and it causes
some ldao problems as well. please try and fix it so that the files have
both carrage return and line feed.

Jonathan:  Thank You for noticing this and reporting this!!  Please let me
know if the fix doesn't work for you (worked for me, but I only tested with
LDLITE and Notepad to check the line-endings).  Fix has a 99.9999% probability
of working for everyone.

You're right -- the data being output by the ldraw.cgi script was only using
LF when it should have been using CRLF.  The script was written specifically
to work with LDLITE, which handles plain-LF newlines, but since LDLITE can
save files to disk and since LDRAW and LEDIT are DOS programs, CRLF is better
all-around.  LDAO is a Windows app but Windows still uses CRLF.

Later if a Linux or Mac version of LDLITE is available, there can maybe be an
option to the CGI script to ask it to use 13(Mac) or 10(Unix) or 13/10(DOS).
Linux users would hate to have File/Save write out the data with DOS newlines.


p.s.  Paul:  while testing the change to the script, I accidentally wrote
   print "$_\013\010";
when I meant to write
   print "$_\013\012";
\010 is ASCII backspace and it caused LDLITE 1.5 to GPF on me.  No biggie but
you probably wanna know.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LF vs. CRLF in server .DAT script
(...) Grrr, where is my brain today. I meant that I wrote print "$_\015\010"; when I meant to write print "$_\015\012"; I always get octal wrong, durnit. (But ASCII octal values "\015\012" are more portable than writing "\r\n" in this case, because (...) (26 years ago, 27-Feb-99, to
  Re: LF vs. CRLF in server .DAT script
Re: CR/LF, what a waste of bandwidth! 1/2 :) Re: \010: Was it really a GPF? LDLite should have hit the characters, recognized them as garbage, and ignored the line, and maybe exit-ed without doing anything. If it was a GPF, I'll try and duplicate (...) (26 years ago, 2-Mar-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  problem with cad.dat
i have discovered an anoying problem with lugnet.cad.dat when you retrieve .dat file with the open as .dat file link the resulting file only has line feeds and ledit/ldraw can't read the file and it causes some ldao problems as well. please try and (...) (26 years ago, 26-Feb-99, to lugnet.admin.general)

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