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Re: Parts directory?
Wed, 21 May 2003 15:08:54 GMT
545 times
In lugnet.cad, Jaco van der Molen writes:
Now i would like to add a Temporary part folder to place my newly created
files in it for a new part, so i don't have to mess-up my original parts • file.
      | Parts
      |     |
      |     | Subparts (S)
      | Temporary parts

Creating a new folder isn't a problem, but how can i acces the DAT files • in
this Temporaty Parts folder, witch contains also subparts from the Subpart
(S) folder? I use L3LAB to check my created parts, but i do have problems
with it.
Error messages like : Part not found, ...

Is it possible to work this way, and if so, how should i refer to my
subparts so that they show up in L3LAB?

Anybody else correct me if I am wrong but I think this cannot be done.
What you can do, is place your parts in the models directory.
LDraw programs know this directory and know where to find parts from MODELS
to PARTS and S directories.

But in the L3Lab case you are lucky, because it also looks in BFC\PARTS

I have often thought about an e.g. LDRAWPATH environment variable
for specifying additional search paths, like
or LDRAWPREPATH and LDRAWPOSTPATH for better control of search path.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Parts directory?
(...) file. (...) in (...) Anybody else correct me if I am wrong but I think this cannot be done. What you can do, is place your parts in the models directory. LDraw programs know this directory and know where to find parts from MODELS to PARTS and (...) (22 years ago, 21-May-03, to lugnet.cad)

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