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 CAD / *47302 (-20)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) For what it's worth I wrote a tutorial for batch-filing LDView: (URL) used to create the thumbnails for my site. Admittedly it is a bit out of date but hopefully gets you the idea. w. (13 years ago, 28-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Yes, LDView can be used via command-line. This is how LPub uses it. The reference is in the help file that comes with LDView. I think the Travis put some stuff in there to mimic L3P commands as well. -Orion (13 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) OK, I'm going to have to work around this for a while. My problem is that I support a large community of users, with a package that uses LDraw to construct 3D data charts as an add-on to Microsoft Excel. Built into the nmacro code is the full (...) (13 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) Yes, I have one (URL) (13 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) There might be some on my repository. But I am not sure. (URL) (13 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Thx for pointing. I'll check that. (...) Orion and Tim are correct. Conversion should be done via LDView. As long as there is no user friendly interface with L3PAO buggy as it is today: (URL) not going to include L3P. w. (13 years ago, 27-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) It also supports other POV parts not in LGEO. And top and bottom include files (although I think the latest L3P does that too). Tim (13 years ago, 26-Jun-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) I recently found these renders of Architecture sets 21005 Falling Water / Architecture (URL) Center (URL) 3D Lego models and other resources from: (URL) (13 years ago, 26-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Well LDView exports POV code and supports LGEO. From what I've experimented with its exports seem to be better because it does mesh smoothing. -Orion (13 years ago, 26-Jun-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
I have a comment and a question, if I may: I started up the new AIOI, just to see what it looked like, though I killed it before it started to create anything. I noticed it now goes through a lengthy search for a previous installation. However, it (...) (13 years ago, 26-Jun-11, to, FTX)
  Re: Lego Architecture
(...) It looks like a whole load of them have already been modelled in LDD: (URL) under the architecture section) From LDD you could export them to LDR files. ===...=== Download 3D Lego models and other resources from: (URL) (13 years ago, 26-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Lego Architecture
Has any one done up the Architecture models in LDraw format? If not, consider this message my intent to do just that. -Orion (13 years ago, 25-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Not yet tested, but the description is so long. Thanks so much for your effort in completing this. cu mikeheide (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) BTW, if someone is interested having the installer in his/her own language just drop me a line. No code wizards required. The setup software already comes with a good bunch of supported languages in .xml format which simply have to be (...) (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to
  Re: Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
(...) Great! Used it to install a new machine, worked perfectly. Philo (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to
  Getting Started LDraw All-In-One-Installer 2010-03 Update Now Available
Hi folks, the new AIOI 2010-03 has been announced at (URL) also updated the two pages that point to the AIOI: (URL) (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad,  
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) Yes, there are parallel lights that work just like orthographic cameras. Check the docs. This way you will get uniform lighting on every object in the scene. Mike (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) I am using an orthographic camera because I don't want perspective at all. I didn't try parallel lights. (there are such? or do you mean area?) That may be what I need to correct the shading differences. One thing I'm still chasing is that I (...) (13 years ago, 22-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: How would you do it?
(...) FastRad is a good choice for this scene. I would also use a parallel camera and lights. Mike (13 years ago, 22-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: File Encoding Standard Ratified
(...) Works fine here now! thanks!!! Another possible improvement (I don't know if it is possible at all): character set for reviews is fairly restricted, and it's impossible to use UTF8 chars in comments (or even fairly common characters like (...) (14 years ago, 18-Jun-11, to lugnet.cad)

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