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 CAD / *19730 (-5)
  Re: Postscript converter
(...) Yes, that's where I got stuck. If anyone knows a nice occlusion algorithm that solves this problem in vector space (without converting to raster) I could probably also use it to speed up the rest of ldglite as well. I'm hoping for an (...) (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to
  Re: Author key in ldraw.ini\[LDraw]
(...) Yes, there is. But the [LDraw Add-On] section should really be for stuff internal to LDAO, so we could discuss putting it somewhere else. Like [LDraw] or [New File Defaults], or something. Steve (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to
  duplication of efforts (stealing someone's thunder)...
Please notice "follow-up"..... (...) I presume you are referring to this post here: "(URL) 12 Jun 2000 20:41:37 GMT ...Which is six months later than my post here: "(URL) 13 Dec 2000 16:19:44 GMT I am *really* getting upset over this. >:-( This is (...) (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to
  Re: LDraw on Linux
(...) Bad code? Ouch! ;-) I guess I'll have to fix the warnings. They're the same warnings I get so you're OK there. (...) Sorry, I've been away on vacation so I've missed most of this so far. I've never used SuSe so I don't know how much help I'll (...) (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: LDraw on Linux
(...) Play well, Jacob (24 years ago, 9-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad)

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