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 CAD / *18105 (-5)
  Re: shortcut - completed palm tree
Franklin, Well, I just called it "palmtree.dat" but since there is not an "official" part number for it, what about something starting with 25, since all the individual parts start with 25? Just an idea, and a scillie one I might add. Or, we could (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to
  Complete Figure Shortcuts for LegoCAD.
This is a post for all of those people who want to build a (official) sub-group based model with little effort involved. I have currently designed and maintained Complete Figure Shortcuts for the following groups: Classic Space (w/ new helmet as a (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to
  Re: What happened reagdring formalisation?
Hello Tim, I am really hoping (and not only me) we can get a parts update on the way soon. There are so many good new parts i would like to use officially... Greetings, Carsten "Tim Courtney" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to
  Pop Racer. . .  [DAT]
Hey, this is my first post to this forum. I built this off of Ralph -dö- Döring's web site and his pictures. His web site is here : (URL) and his email is on it. I used Fredrik Glöckner's ldraw-mode major for Emacs to make the hoses. If you havn't (...) (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)  
  Re: New Part: 3x 3x 2.5 Crane Basket
(...) In my opinion, it's part of the Crane Category ("(URL) the Title should begin with "Crane" (i.e., "Crane Basket 3 x 3 x 2.5 Square"). Franklin (24 years ago, 12-Mar-01, to

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