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 Building / Military / 1521
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Re: A pair of Crimson Skies attempts
Sat, 27 Dec 2003 20:13:39 GMT
1226 times
In, Dave Lander wrote:

Your Kestrel puts me in the mind of a godawfully effective psuedo-fighter more than anything (Psuedo-fighter, a plane about the size of a small bomber, or overly large fighter, more heavily armed, normally somewhat faster and usually only slightly less manuverable than a fighter. Think P-38 Lightening, or Twin Mustang.) Normally, with the way you have the tail set up with no vertical stabilizer you’d have to use elevons, which would make it less manuverable. But, with the way the wings themselves are set up you could say that they are actually used for manuvering. They look like they could be torqued independantly by means of hydraulics, which would make it surprisingly manuverable for an aircraft of that size. Nothing like that existed back then, but then Crimsons Skies uses alot of technology like that, it wasn’t around, but it could have been done.

The Coranado is armed more like a fighter than an interceptor, an interceptor is usually built for speed first, everything else later. It looks a bit underpowered for it’s size, and how much hardware (firepower) it carries, and there is something about it’s somewhat stubby wings that bothers me, but I can’t put my finger on it. The size and shape of the tail should give it good climb, and nice sharp turning though. But there is something that just looks a bit awkward about it.

Overall though I’d definetely say good job on both. The Kestrel indeed looks like something I’d rather be flying myself, than flying against.

Hey thanks for the in depth response! Would probably help if I actually knew more about military aircraft before trying to figure out what my two do :)

Funny you mention the P-38, that was my favorite warbird back in high-school...

as for the Coronado, yeah it’s flawed, I named it after the brand of an old tv I inherited, which was large boky and brown - seemed appropriate. Not suer is I will re-build it or just tear it down, but personally I thought the length of the plane was about 2 studs too long, and now that you mention it the wings are affully tiny :(

anyway, thanks again, TRS

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  Re: A pair of Crimson Skies attempts
Your Kestrel puts me in the mind of a godawfully effective psuedo-fighter more than anything (Psuedo-fighter, a plane about the size of a small bomber, or overly large fighter, more heavily armed, normally somewhat faster and usually only slightly (...) (21 years ago, 25-Dec-03, to, FTX)

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