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 Building / Military / 1517
1516  |  1518
Re: A pair of Crimson Skies attempts
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 00:58:34 GMT
1004 times
Pretty wicked birds you got there. I like how you took the swept back cockpit approach.


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  Re: A pair of Crimson Skies attempts
(...) And to thik I almost put the cokpit on the front of the Kestrel. Toyed around with the idea for a few minutes then went back to my original idea. Actually the nose was about the last thing I built up, realised it needed more guns. Have toyed (...) (21 years ago, 27-Dec-03, to, FTX)

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  A pair of Crimson Skies attempts
Been quite a while since I've posted to lugnet and actually months since I've built anything. However I was recently inspired by the Crimson Skies aricraft I've seen popping up and finally got around to building my own. While I don't have background (...) (21 years ago, 23-Dec-03, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)

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