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 Building / Military / 1520
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How do you guys do it?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general,,
Fri, 26 Dec 2003 05:38:09 GMT
2533 times
Ya know, I've been into Lego for a while myself. I haven't had the time or money
I'd have liked to have for it over the last few years, but I do still love Lego.
I've been coming to this site for a while now, and I just have one question for
everyone. How do all of you pull it off? Everything I've seen on this site so
far just blows away anything I've ever even come close to attempting. Even the
things that you people say you need to work on are far ahead of anything I've
ever done.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some time together to dust off the ol' bricks, and if
I can, get some cash for some new bricks too. If I ever get a chance to make any
posts feel free to ask whatever questions, and give whatever advice. Above all,
everybody keep up the great building.

Message has 8 Replies:
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Ditto what Kevin said. I look at my ships from five years ago, compared with FdG (see the left side bar in .build.military), and then Takao ((URL) and there's a definite progression, aside from size of course. It's a simple process of (...) (21 years ago, 27-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) How? Start building. You'll get better. That's not a flippant answer, it's the truth. Do as many of the following things as you can: - Build stuff "in the style of" official sets, perhaps working from their instructions to learn various idioms (...) (21 years ago, 28-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Experiment. Build. It sounds simple, and that's all the really is to it. What I find helps me is I keep a project list of some projects I'd like to work on. Some of them have came to be, others have just sat around in pieces. For example, I (...) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Basically just throwing in a 'right on' to all that's been said. Only thing to add is that you've already taken the most important step, and that is joining this community. I lurked for over a year before starting to build. Then, I tried to (...) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Many excellent suggestions have been given to you so far. They are all good ideas. As for getting more Lego to build with, you don't have to consider buying more Lego to be a major purchase. If your cash flow is small, just buy Lego in small (...) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Many great suggestions by others..... I do a lot of mutations. Start out with something, get and an idea on how to change it, change it. Try something else throw it out, try again. Don't expect that it will come out just the way you want the (...) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) Welcome aboard, Dave! I don't have much to add to the wisdom already dispensed on this thread, but here are a few other suggestions to help you in your building (some of these may be repeats). 1. Start with a cool first name. (You seem already (...) (21 years ago, 29-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,
  Re: How do you guys do it?
(...) As others have said, Welcome! Lots of great ideas in this thread, as a 'old-timer' I thought I could toss out a couple more. Don't feel you need to build HUGE things. Yes, some of us love to build massive things like 8-wide trains and 4+ foot (...) (21 years ago, 30-Dec-03, to, lugnet.admin.general,,, FTX)

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