Re: mechastruct entry: AV-05 Gunjin
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 00:33:26 GMT
858 times
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thanks for the compliment, tim. the rifles are a little classic in shape,
but my favorite thing about them is that they can be mounted on the
backpack. as for the shapes, that took me the longest to get right. i have
no idea what my next mecha will be. i can say that it will probably take me
awhile to build it since i still have to build gunjin on mlcad (takes
forever) and also organize all the legos i get for christmas. but whatever
it is, i'll try not to disappoint.
In, Tim Rice writes:
> Hey there jason! I saw this yesterday but only got around to replying today!
> I like the twin rifles on that new beast and the shapes that you got going
> are excellent! I can't wait tosee what you do next!
> In, Jason Coronado writes:
> > here's the second mech i've built. it sort of started the whole
> > "articulation points" debate. i still don't know how many articulation
> > points there are. perhaps someone can lmk. gotta give credit to gla-gla
> > and sun yun for design inspirations as well as to chris snead for joint
> > tech. hope you like it.
> >
> > link:
> >
> > category: military mech over 8 inches tall (10" from head to toe, 12" from
> > tip of gun barrel to toe).
> >
> > back story:
> snip
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: mechastruct entry: AV-05 Gunjin
| Hey there jason! I saw this yesterday but only got around to replying today! I like the twin rifles on that new beast and the shapes that you got going are excellent! I can't wait tosee what you do next! (...) snip (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to
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