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 Building / Mecha / 7340
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Humanesque Mecha Designs
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 20:34:47 GMT
357 times
Hi All,

Here's an interesting (read: unusual) request.  I'm trying to look into some
small humanoid mecha designs .. that is, some designs that simulate a humanoid
form (two arms, two legs, one torso, etc) that meets the following

(1) STURDY and playable
(2) Non-Bionicle
(3) Well articulated
(4) Fairly small - 6" tall maximum
(5) ... and, as the subject heading says, fairly humanoid in proportions!

I always see gorgeous designs on here, and in the last year there have been a
slieu of tremendous designs that use unconventional pieces for joints - 1x1
tiles with vertical clips, for example, which are small, compact, and allow
excellent ranges of movement.

The problem is, I don't remember *who* has produced *what*.

So could people please point me to various designs that meet the above
requirements, or showcase small, sturdy designs with good articulation?  Or
sites that showcase various small joints, or sections of mecha that I might

Thank you for any help in advance!


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Humanesque Mecha Designs
Oh geez...where should I begin? I bet if you pick any one of the many sites in the Mecha Compendium that Dave has so graciously put together, I bet you could a mech meeting all your requirements. More specific, Mladen's Kicker: (URL) Wildhunt: (URL) (...) (22 years ago, 28-Sep-02, to
  Re: Humanesque Mecha Designs
Shaun, Tony mentioned some good ones, another great one featuring *tons* of small scale mecha sporting all sorts of imaginative hinges/joints is (URL) website uses frames-click on the 1x2 LEGO brick icon, then "PIC VER", then scroll down to "ROBO" I (...) (22 years ago, 28-Sep-02, to
  Re: Humanesque Mecha Designs
Do my designs fit into your criteria? (URL) (22 years ago, 1-Oct-02, to
  Re: Humanesque Mecha Designs
(...) Well, you might check out my site: (URL) but in particular: (URL) particular model is fairly playable, and seems to meet your size requirements. However, it uses the throwbots/bionicle ball joints for the hips. Thanks, Ben Vaughan (22 years ago, 3-Oct-02, to
  Re: Humanesque Mecha Designs
Hmmm, well if you don't mind reverse knees here two small ones that don't have bionicle in them. And converting them to a human style knee would be pretty easy. Beast is more playable than Orc. Both are pretty durable though. One hint though, you'll (...) (22 years ago, 4-Oct-02, to

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