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 Building / Mecha / 5322
5321  |  5323
Re: Diablock Mecha
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 02:22:21 GMT
487 times
In, Mark Sandlin writes:
We were looking at these at the SEALUG meeting on Saturday.

Cool stuff.

~Grand Admiral Muffin Head
Mark's Lego Creations

So that's where those pieces come from!!!

I've actually seen this before in Hobby Japan but I thought they were mega
blocks or something. I didn't realize there was a toy company entirely built
on the concept of mecha and construction toys.  Nice.

If only Lego would embrace mecha.  Sigh. . . I'm not talking about that life
on mars junk either.

But maybe it's better that they stay away from Mecha.  I like seeing all the
interesting solutions to joints etc. rather than having Lego make one
themselves.  But if they are gonna do mecha do it right!


Actually just let me buy plates dirt cheap, and throwbot arms with just the
ball and axel and nothing else.  That would make me happy.

"all your plates are belong to us."


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Diablock Mecha
(...) Or in my case of needing road baseplates "all your base [plates] are belong to us" Who else has seen that video clip? Or played the game? (23 years ago, 9-Jan-02, to

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  Diablock Mecha
We were looking at these at the SEALUG meeting on Saturday. (URL) stuff. ~Grand Admiral Muffin Head -- Mark's Lego Creations (URL) (23 years ago, 7-Jan-02, to

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