Re: My first smaller mech
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 06:06:38 GMT
526 times
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In, Bryce McGlone writes:
> Hey all. I finished my first "small" mecha. I decided a while ago to try and
> make a "buffed out" throwbot piece based mech. I was trying to capture the
> "feel" of a gorilla and still keep it a mecha. Obviously Optimus Primal
> influenced the design. Dave Johann calls him the "Legorilla". I kinda like
> "African Violent".
> Thanks to Jeremy for posting the minimechs. Those got me thinking about ways
> to do the head.
> Bryce
I have been toying with that head idea for several months now but only you
could pull it off. That is truely amazing.
PS: still waiting for pics of the Serpent Mecha. :P
Message is in Reply To:
 | | My first smaller mech
| Hey all. I finished my first "small" mecha. I decided a while ago to try and make a "buffed out" throwbot piece based mech. I was trying to capture the "feel" of a gorilla and still keep it a mecha. Obviously Optimus Primal influenced the design. (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to
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