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 Building / Mecha / 13375
13374  |  13376
Re: New Mecha: The Tribunal
Tue, 29 Nov 2005 10:38:17 GMT
1124 times
I also use the Gimp for some work, but white balance is fairly easily
done with Picassa as well. In fact I tend to take most photos into it
and hit the "I'm feeling Lucky" button - which adjusts white balance,
other colour balances and a few other fixes. Unfortunately - none of
it helps my unsteady hand when i am not using a tripod...

All the images in this gallery: were
preprocessed using picassa, but the backgrounds and special effects
were added with the GIMP. Some of the photos are low-res as they were
taken with a phone cam.

Danny Staple MBCS
(Full contact details available through website)

On 29/11/05, kyle vrieze <freze*nospam*> wrote:
In, Jon Walden wrote:
I just finished my latest Mecha, I call it Tribunal. You WILL be judged!!

Jon, this is rather an ambitious project, given its size, the triangular leg
configuration (cool method of connecting the torso), and the wicked awesome
treads on the feet.

I like this mix of colors, but I would have liked to see them grouped
tighter/isolated better.  I also like the hoses, and the SNOTted-in railing
sections as greebles.  I think your work continues to improve.

I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to give you a photo editing tip that I
someone had given me long ago (if you look at all the too-dark pics in my
Brickshelf folder you'll see what I mean).  Whatever software you use (there
a free download called the GIMP, which I use), you select the "levels" tool,
use the "pick white point" option.  Then you click somewhere on your white
background that you want to turn pure white, and the rest of your image will
correct itself to match.  This can brighten up a dull shot, and give it some
"pop".  I did it with your first Tribunal pic:



< deep link to
full sized pic>

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Mecha: The Tribunal
(...) Jon, this is rather an ambitious project, given its size, the triangular leg configuration (cool method of connecting the torso), and the wicked awesome tank treads on the feet. I like this mix of colors, but I would have liked to see them (...) (19 years ago, 29-Nov-05, to, FTX)

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