| | Re: Overcoming my size issue
| (...) k, but, it could have been really funny. ;) (...) Who! What? Share! Share! (...) I know the feeling and salute you. (...) Ok, well, there is alot to discuss here, however narrow it down for us. 1. What are we talking, size, weight, type of (...) (21 years ago, 17-Jun-04, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
| |  | | Re: Overcoming my size issue
| (...) Just hold the laughter until I post some of my work, then you guys can joke around about it. (...) It was the unstoppable Patrick Bunn (thanks Joe...I'm terrible with names!) (URL) (...) Thank you (...) I'll certainly try (...) ok, 1. (and I'm (...) (21 years ago, 17-Jun-04, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
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