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Re: Classic Space set 6888
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.publish, lugnet.cad.ray
Tue, 7 Nov 2000 17:45:07 GMT
3061 times
I made a movie once, with a Futuron guy flying on a spaceship over a
classic space landscape -entirely in POV-ray. (The movie got lost when
my HD crashed, so I can't show it to you.)

The hills were easy to make; use a heightfield!

If you don't know how to make a heightfield, it's described in the
POV-ray documentation.

My hills weren't really like the classic space ones, but you could
fine-tune them to perfection.
Tip: If you are just going to use the hills as a backdrop, use a plane
first, as the main "floor" for the models, then add the heightfield,
scale it so you can't see the edges of it, and translate it to a
position behind your model. Then, you make a union {} of the plane and
heightfield, and add the same texture to them. (I used "Goldenrod"
colour with a bump normal, scaled down pretty much to look like sand)

If you wish, you can then add focal blur to the camera, to make the
hills a bit blurry. (I don't know how to use focal blur, though)


Bram Lambrecht wrote:

In, Bram Lambrecht writes:
Anyone heard of this set before?  I scanned the instruction manual:

Since no one seems to have anything to say about the scans, I've uploaded some
clearer pics of the images before they were "scanned".

In case anyone is interested, here's how I made the pics:
I started by LDrawing the model and components in MLCAD.  Then I used L3P to
convert to a POV file.  I replaced L3P parts with LGEO parts where available.
I then arranged the models on a plane a sandy color in POV-Ray.  I raytraced
these images at 1600x1200.  Then, I removed the hills from a Brickshelf scan of
the Galaxy Explorer and scaled them up to the appropriate size.  With some
cutting, pasting, smoothing, texturizing, and shadowing, I got the landed
vehicles and components to sit on a plane in front of the hills.  The stars
were created by adding random colored noise to a small black image, scaling up
once, adding more noise, scaling up again, converting to grayscale, and
intensifying the grays.  Because of this, the vehicles reflect each other and
the sand, but not the stars.  Adding the correct logos was trivial.
  To create the scanned look, I overlayed the image with a 80% transparent
halftone image of the same picture.  I then rotated the image slightly to add
that scanning crookedness.  I also reduced the contrast and increased the
brightness a bit.
  Comments or suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.  If anyone
knows how to make Classic Space shaped and shaded hills using only POV-Ray, I'd
really like to know how!  Please LMKWYT!

Message has 1 Reply:
  RE: Classic Space set 6888
(...) Bummer. (...) I have used heightfields several times, but I can never get them to look exactly as I want them too. I wanted hills that really looked like the CS hills in this case. (...) That's the hard part. And creating heightfield images is (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Classic Space set 6888
(...) Since no one seems to have anything to say about the scans, I've uploaded some clearer pics of the images before they were "scanned". (URL) case anyone is interested, here's how I made the pics: I started by LDrawing the model and components (...) (24 years ago, 1-Nov-00, to,, lugnet.publish, lugnet.cad.ray)

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