Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 19:45:07 GMT
636 times
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"Geoffrey Hyde" <> writes:
> Not too badly done. But they seem to have come out quite blocky. I had no
> idea Bulbasur's body was that square. :-) Also, he should have a little
> red spot on the top of his flower.
Of course they're blocky - they're made entirely of LEGO bricks.
Bulbasaur isn't quite as square in the flesh, as it were.
I don't agree about the red spot - where have you seen that? See my
comment below about the colors.
> I'm also quite sure Pikachu's stripes on his back are the same color as his
> cheek sacks, red. However, there's no back angle to see of your model of
> him yet. :o)
The stripes are an orange-brown, not red. If I ever re-do the model,
I'll get some brown bricks and use those, as that's the closest color
Lego makes. But the 3033 tub doesn't include brown.
We have an extensive library of Pokemon video tapes and a few comic
books, and my models were based on those. I have noticed that there
is some variation in the colors of the various Pokemon across all the
many kinds of media, so perhaps you are more familiar with them from a
different context other than the TV series and comic books.
William R Ward
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."-Groucho Marx
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
| (...) To clarify: I mean that the photo doesn't show his curves very well. He is actually a lot more curved than that, but the photo was not from the best angle. --Bill. (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
| Not too badly done. But they seem to have come out quite blocky. I had no idea Bulbasur's body was that square. :-) Also, he should have a little red spot on the top of his flower. I'm also quite sure Pikachu's stripes on his back are the same color (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to
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