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Pokemon Lego sculpture
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 23:05:12 GMT
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49 times
I built these models a couple of months ago, but I've been dragging my
feet about getting pictures on the web.  However, I brought them to
the BayLUG meeting this past weekend, and as a result pictures of them
have made it onto the club website.  To see them, go to
or if you just want to see the models, you can go to one of these:

These are life-size sculptures of Pikachu and Bulbasaur, two of the
most famous Pokemon.  I know not everyone loves Pokemon, but my wife
and I enjoy it a lot.  When I first came across Eric Harshbarger's
site, I felt motivated to try to make similar constructions, and the
first idea I had was to make Pikachu.  But once I did that, he was
lonely, so I made Bulbasaur to go with him.

The colors are not quite the same as the "real" Pokemon - the stripes
on Pikachu's back should be brown, not black, and Bulbasaur should be
a lighter shade of blue.  But I set a restriction on myself that I
would only use pieces from the 3033 blue tubs.  I bought 12 of them,
and while I have a lot of the smaller bricks left over, I used almost
all of the larger ones of all colors (inside their bodies is a grid of
supporting structures, mostly 1x8's horizontally and 2x2's and 2x3's

Check 'em out and let me know what you think.  I have some photos of
the internals and from more angles that I need to scan and put on the
Web - sooner or later I'll get around to it.



William R Ward
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."-Groucho Marx

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
Not too badly done. But they seem to have come out quite blocky. I had no idea Bulbasur's body was that square. :-) Also, he should have a little red spot on the top of his flower. I'm also quite sure Pikachu's stripes on his back are the same color (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-01, to
  Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
Nice job on those sculptures...especially on Bulbasaur's head and eyes and also the bulb. Perhaps its body needs to be a bit bigger but I won't quibble. They are better than anything I've tried. How about trying Psyduck next 8). Keith Blumenthal (...) (24 years ago, 5-Apr-01, to
  Re: Pokemon Lego sculpture
Hey Bulbasaur looks neat! I think Pikachu is ok, but Bulbasaur blows him away! Now show me a 'Mew' :)... Mel (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to

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